“They came to get the dog on the third day of it being at my clinic, which definitely made me sad because I feel like the patient deserves a better home,” Humphries said. “I have not heard from the owner since, and I’m fearful but also don’t want to know if something happened to the dog.”

Since sharing the video online, Humphries has been amazed to see so many social-media users show empathy for a dog they have never even met.

While some TikTok users offered to pay the vet bill, others wrote that the dog shouldn’t have to go back to the owner who appeared to have abandoned him. However, Humphries was bound by veterinary protocols and there was nothing more she could do except take care of the pup until he was eventually collected.

Humphries told Newsweek: “I appreciate all the love and support on my TikTok page about the dog. I’m still getting comments from people wanting him or saying we shouldn’t give him back to the owner, and I agree.

“I wish there was more that I could’ve done for him, but I have to follow protocols from the hospital. I hope he’s doing great, but if I do have an update later on, I will keep everyone posted.”

The TikTok video has amassed over 1,100 comments already, as many people were horrified by what happened, and others offered to help. One comment reads: “How can you abandon that sweet baby.”

Another person wrote: “How can people do things like this. My heart.”

A third TikTok user commented: “I will go through all the necessary paperwork and take him.”