Strange Noises Coming From Cardboard Box Cause Bikers To Hit Their Brakes

Earlier this month, a group of cyclists in the Philippines were enjoying a ride when they noticed strange noises coming from a cardboard box by the side of a bridge. Startled by the peculiar sight, the group hopped off their bikes and approached the box.

box by a bridge

Peeking inside, the bikers realized the box was filled with nine abandoned puppies. Anguished, the bikers headed to a local shelter, looking for help. Soon, rescuers from Pawssion Project were at the scene, ready to get the puppies to safety.

puppies in box

As is often the case in situations like this one, Pawssion Project founder Malou Perez felt a wave of emotions.

“We are always just heartbroken,” Perez told The Dodo. “[B]ut also, [we felt] gratitude that we were given that chance to save them, especially as they were already within our reach.”

Perez knows better than anyone how important it is to save animals in need. According to Perez, Pawssion Project currently houses over 600 animals across their two shelters. Though these shelters barely had room, Perez refused to turn a blind eye to the puppies. She knew they needed to be somewhere safe.

puppy drinking from bottle

Back at the rescue, experienced staff members bottle-fed the puppies, gave them a warm bath and removed fleas from their fur. Finally safe and cared for, the puppies rested peacefully. In time, they began to open their eyes, much to the delight of Perez and the other Pawssion Project volunteers.

“It’s always one of the most rewarding feelings!” Perez said.

puppies playing with toys

Safe at Pawssion Project, these puppies will continue to grow and recover until they’re old enough to find forever families of their own.

“We will definitely find the best homes for them,” Perez said. “Hopefully we can rehome some together.”